Earth Day

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Today is a global acknowledgement and celebration of the planet we all call home. Do you live on Earth? Breathe the air, drink the water, and eat foods here? Then you have a stake in the health of our planet! What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves!

This is an opportunity to check in on how you live, work, and play: make healthier, greener choices to respect, preserve and protect clean air, clean water, clean soil and all Life.

Leave No Trace: When you yonder beyond your home, don’t litter! Be mindful of where you walk, the products you use, and how you can reduce, reuse and recycle so that all species in all environments can continue to thrive.

All Life is Connected. Do Your Part. There is No Planet B.

Join us at the 4th Annual Earth Day Celebration in downtown Carlisle on Saturday April 27 to learn, grow, and share with 20+ eco-educators and organizations all focused upon ways to mindfully connect people to the planet so all life can thrive!


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