For your convenience online shopping will be available soon. While only a small selection of our carefully curated items will be available online, for now, purchases of all items listed here and the full collection can be made directly in our brick and mortar shop in Carlisle, PA or by contacting us through email or via phone: 717.713.6170.
For many years we’ve collected a vast amount of gear for our field work and adventures near and far. We realized we don’t use half of it. You don’t need a lot of fancy things to have a grand adventure. Keep it simple and celebrate the little things in life that will help guide, inspire and support you on your journey. The bigger picture: be safe, be mindful, Leave No Trace, look, listen, smell, feel. You are an important part of the natural world. Go play outside! These are a few of our favorite things for trails and adventures. While only a small selection of the many small-batch and one of a kind earthy items we feature in our brick and mortar store, start your adventure here.